Friday 22 April 2011


The Bermuda Triangle is a geographical area with a triangle, with an approximate area of 1.1 million km ², situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale (Florida).
It is famous because in the mid-twentieth century writers published several articles in magazines about the alleged danger of the area.

But statistics from the Coast Guard of the United States do not indicate that this area has more disappearances of ships and planes in other areas like traffic.
Since the era of sailing ships that traveled to Europe passed continuously through this area to take advantage of prevailing winds and the Gulf Stream. Then with the development of steam engines and boats with internal combustion engines, much of the traffic crossing the North Atlantic continued (and still does) throughout the area of alleged “Bermuda Triangle.”
The Gulf Stream, an area with a very unstable time (known for its hurricanes) also passes through the triangle to leave the Caribbean Sea. The combination of heavy maritime traffic and tempestuous weather makes it possible for some boats are entered in storms and be lost without trace, especially before the development of telecommunications, radar and satellites in the late twentieth century.
Chronological list of incidents reported by Berlitz
The Bermuda Triangle has been credited with many disappearances that occurred in their waters unofficial (although in some cases incorrectly). To date, most agree that more than 50 ships and 20 aircraft were lost without trace in that particular area of the Atlantic. Although most of these disappearances can be explained, many others can not, and the issue continues to be a debate between believers and skeptics. The most popular events are listed below:
* 1840: HMS Rosalie, ship bound for Havana (Cuba), and was found dead crew.
* 1872: the Mary Celeste (sunk in the Azores and the Iberian Peninsula, some 5000 km away from Bermuda), bear in mind that each side of the triangle is credited with only 1500 km
* 1902 (April or October 21): the Freya, German ship found adrift “shortly after” set sail from Manzanillo (Cuba), to Chile. I had actually turned around South America for Punta Arenas (southern Chile) and was found off the west coast of Mexico (several months after leaving Cuba), dragged by the currents of the Pacific Ocean.
* 1909, November: The Spray, a small yacht Canadian adventurer Joshua Slocum (February 20, 1844 – November 14, 1909, or days later.)
* 1917: SS Timandra, heading to Buenos Aires from Norfolk (Virginia) with a cargo of coal and a crew of 21 people. Not issued any radio signal, despite having the capacity to do so.
* 1918: the ship is sinking freighter USS Cyclops (AC-4) with 308 men aboard, due to a hurricane.
* 1921: the ship is sinking freighter Carroll A. Deering at Cape Hatteras (1050 km to the west of Bermuda and about 800 km northwest of the triangle).
* 1925 (April 21): Raifuku Maru (sunk with witnesses in the midst of a storm to 1063 km north of Bermuda)
* 1925, December: U.S. freighter sinks the SS Cotopaxi, “which from the coast of Florida passed the weather was calm, and sent no distress signal.” In fact, Meyers (boat captain) radioed that the ship was listing to the cellar and had filled with water.
* 1926: SS Suduffco sinks, due to a hurricane (a captain who went looking for what he called “the worst climate I’ve seen in my life”).
* 1938: HMS Angloaustralian sinks in the Azores islands (over 4000 km of the Triangle), after issue “in the afternoon we spent Fayal. All right. ”
* 1942: The French submarine Surcouf is hit by the U.S. freighter Thompson Lykes near Panama Canal (about 1800 km ).–> Triangle
* 1945: 5 planes disappear TBM Avenger (the famous Flight 19) of the U.S. Navy.
* 1948: SS sinks Samkey (Berlitz says that sank in 1943, but that was the inaugural year). He gave his position: 41 ° 48 ‘N 24 ° W (200 km northeast of the Azores, and 4200 km northeast of the Triangle). Only transmits: “Everything is going well.”
* 1948: disappears Tudor IV Star Tiger aircraft with 31 passengers.
* 1948: disappears a DC-3 NC16002, with 28 passengers and crew.
* 1949: disappears the second Tudor IV Star Ariel.
* 1950: disappears Globemaster aircraft, U.S. Air Force.
* 1950: American freighter sinks the SS Sandra (350 feet), after passing through St. Augustine (Florida) en route to Puerto Cabello (Venezuela).
* 1952: disappears one British York transport plane with 33 people aboard.
* 1954: disappears a Lockheed Constellation, U.S. Navy, with 42 passengers on board.
* 1956: disappears U.S. Navy aircraft, the Martin P5M, with 10 crew members.
* 1962: disappears a KB-50 Tanker aircraft, U.S. Air Force.
* 1963: sinking the Marine Sulphur Queen, probably the land of the Dry Tortugas, carrying molten sulfur (possibly non-secure).
* 1967: a military plane disappears YC-122 cargo plane become.
* 1967: Witchcraft sinking cruise a mile from Miami, made a call to the Coast Guard, but after 19 minutes had sunk completely.
* 1970: French freighter sinks Milton Latrides while sailing from New Orleans to Cape Town, carrying a cargo of vegetable oil and caustic soda.
* 1972 (although Berlitz says 1973): sinking in a storm two German freighters: the Anita (20,000 tons with a crew of 32) and her sister ship, the Norse Variant (both coal-bearing). A survivor of the latter was found floating in a pond; described the loss of the boat in the middle of a hurricane. The waves smashed the top of the gate and the ship quickly sank.
* 1976: SS Sylvia L. sinks Ossa in a hurricane west of Bermuda (outside the triangle).
* 1978: SS is abandoned at Hawarden Bridge in the West Indies. Is presumed to be due to a crime. Months earlier, in February, the Coast Guard of the United States had arrested in Cape Knox and found marijuana.
* 1980: SS Poet sinks in a hurricane, when carrying grain to Egypt.
* 1995: Freighter sinks Jamanic K (built 1943), after leaving Cap-Haitien.
* 1997: German yacht sinks.
* 1999: Genesis freighter sinks after leaving the port of San Vicente, its cargo included 465 tons of water tanks, tables, concrete and bricks, reported problems with bilge pump just before losing contact. We conducted a fruitless search in an area of 85 000 km2 (33,000 square miles).
Map Bermuda Triangle: Bermuda Triangle Map - Free Pictures, Photos & Information at Science ...
Map Bermuda Triangle: Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Bermuda Triangle Mystery Photos, Wallpapers ...

Tuesday 19 April 2011

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Sunday 17 April 2011

How to Enjoy Being alone?

If you're reading this you're probably really bored and, at the moment, have no one to be with. Whether you long for a boyfriend or girlfriend, or miss your family and friends, this guide can help you cope with living alone. Keep in mind that humans are indeed social animals, but that doesn't mean that we can't be perfectly happy outside of society too.

Be happy. Live a life of optimism. Happiness comes from within regardless of your situation, so don’t use any excuses, such as being alone.

Do everything you would normally do with a partner or friend. Many times it isn't the partner or friend you are missing, but the activities and hobbies you shared. Take yourself out for a date. For example, if you would have gone out to dinner or to a movie on a date, then take yourself out to a movie or to a nice restaurant. Don't hold yourself back.

Learn something new.

  • Learning is the most important aspect of living alone. It helps to keep the boogeyman away, and also gives you something to talk about when you do have to actually enter society.
  • Learning is also incredibly more efficient when you don't have social responsibilities like family to take care of, or a girlfriend or boyfriend to entertain.
  • Learning isn't just exclusive to books (although they are a great source of knowledge). You can learn to do anything by just practicing. Enrolling in classes is fun and also helps with the social life - you will meet new people in your classes. If you're not so much into the meeting people, the Internet is a great way to learn pretty much everything (That's what this site's for!).
  • Consider learning: Indoor Activities: A Foreign Language, Painting, Yoga, Mathematics, Science, Art Appreciation, A Musical Instrument such as piano or flute. Outdoor Activities: Gardening,Fencing, Tennis, Golf. Or Combination - things you can do indoors and out: Photography, Drawing.

Get a pet.

  • Humans need affection, without it they become bitter and hate the world around them. Pets are always a source of affection and will give loads of it endlessly.
  • Pets also provide someone to talk to. No, it's not weird that you talk to your pet, it's weird if you don't. Just be cautious that your pet doesn't talk back. If so, seek professional help.
  • If you are and self-sufficient, tropical fish, hamsters, budgies or finches are great choices. If you like a little interaction, but not a lot of maintenance, try a cat. If you want to be very hands-on, spend lots of time and get lots of feedback, a dog is for you.


  • Now may be the time to catch up on some of your reading. Not only is it fun and enjoyable, but it's also self-education and a way to round yourself as a person.
  • Consider spending some time with classics such as "Moby Dick," "A Christmas Carol," "Romeo and Juliet," "The Martian Chronicles," "Great Expectations," or "Tales of Mystery and Imagination."
  • Or choose a genre to explore: Sci-Fi greats include "Stranger In a Strange Land," "Fahrenheit 451," and the "Dune" series. Horror: "Salem's Lot," "The Stand," and "Dracula." Fantasy: "Lord of the Rings," "Chronicles of Narnia," and "Harry Potter." Or just regular fiction: "East of Eden," "To Kill a Mockingbird," or "A Farewell to Arms."
  • Poetry is cool, too, and nothing makes you look cooler than when someone says, "Oh my God, you actually know that by heart?" Great poetry: "Charge of the Light Brigade," "Ulysses," "She Walks In Beauty," "How Do I Love Thee," and Shakespeare's Sonnets - #29 is great!
  • You also have the opportunity to check out some playwrights such as; Edward Albee, David Mamet, Neil Simon and Tennessee Williams. Each playwright incorporates an interesting view and characters whose lives are constantly being turned on their heads .
Join an on-line community.

  • Don't limit your on-line activities to just games. Join forums or chat rooms to meet new people also. Take whatever you're interested in and find other people like you.

Think. Be introspective. Contemplate or ponder things.
Above all, contemplation is one of the most important self-building things you can do. Think about what makes you you. What do you believe in? Why? Are there any things that don't seem right to you? What do you believe at face value (or accept as a matter of faith)?

  • Philosophy is a great way to improve your thinking and reasoning skills. It will give you interesting topics that will stretch and bend your brain to help you understand your view of reality. Keep in mind that just because someone believes in something it doesn't mean you have to if you don't like it.
  • Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche, Descarte, Aristotle, Kant, Rand, Marx
  • Don't over-analyse things independent of you. It is easy to read-into experiences, feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of others and make judgements that are really founded on nothing more than your own naive perception. This can quickly become a negative activity and get you down. Realize that you don't have all the facts and that's OK.

  • Exercise.

    Now is the time to get that body you've always wanted. Instead of just pigging out on junk food and sitting in front of the TV all night, do some push-ups or sit-ups.

    • Rediscover the fun to be had in simple exercises. Riding a bike around your neighborhood becomes less work and more fun as you do it.
    • Be consistent. Exercise takes willpower and diligence. Make a schedule and stick to it. Keep it easy at first and you will discover your limits. Or, join a gym and create new friends there.

  • Listen to lots of music. If you are a music fan then you can enjoy being alone by listening to music you enjoy or music that brings back memories of certain events.

  • Go outside. It's a big world out there, and you're only seeing a small fraction of it. Forget the people, just enjoy what life has to offer. Once you do that, then people will want to know and be with you. Frankly, you won't have a choice but to have friends!

  • Wednesday 13 April 2011


    Srijana Bagale:

    Ajay Kandel:

    Bhunti Ree:

    Anup Bajgain:

    Samikshya Pandit:

    Sudivp Shrestha:

    Shagun Gurung:

    Parvat Sapkota:

    WE 4:



    Prashika Pokhrel:

    Swopnil Maskey (Zack):

    Raj Bhatta:

    Ruchh Shrestha:

    Surendra Bhatta:

    Karishma Pokhrel:

    Sandeep Bhandari:

    Surakshya Sharma:

    Yogesh Neupane:

    Kumar Simkhada:

    Shiva Pudasaini:

    Suchina Suru:

    Arun Khanal:

    Bijaya Ranabhat:

    Alina Bastola:

    Aayatullah Miyan:

    Bishal Lamichhane:

    Srijana Tandon:

    Gita Bogati with friends:

    Samriddha Gurung:

    Pratima Bhatta:

    Govinda Sapkota:

    Mandip Khadka:

    Tuesday 12 April 2011



    Monalisha Piya:

    Bhuwan Shrestha:

    Bishwas Pokhrel
    Sushma Ale:

    Jamiran Khatun:

    Nissan Pokhrel:

    Radika Chhetri:

    Amar Kunwar:

    Anita Giri:

    Pitambar Poudel:


    Jack Dolson:

    Mahesh Shahi


    Jubin Hirachan:

    Raju Nepali:

    Srishti Shrestha :


    Pun Arjun


    Nisha Shrestha



    Binod Adhikari:

    Nimi Thapa


    Rajan Koirala


    Sarita Mishra (Sanjeela Mishra):