Sunday 10 April 2011

Moving near my college:


I'm currently 18years old (16 in Desimber) and I'm about to finish my +2exams, I'm scraping by, about to get into a Great college away from the **** storm my social scene has turned into. In short, pissed off a lot of people and getting hunted down, girlfriend cheated on me, I cheated on another girlfriend with someone elses girlfriend, got into a large amount of fights, alcohol,  etc basically everything you don't want, but despite this I've got good grades, have my own business and I might be accepted into the junior apprentice.

One problem though, I'm in Bhaktapur  and the college is in Kathmandu. Sure I could get the bus every morning there but considering my social life here I'm going to be to consumed with all that **** to actually work on any coursework (I'm taking a 2 year business course by the way), my family is really supportive to my studies and my dad has a respectable amount of interest coming in every month to hold up the family, so I'm sure I could make a compromise to move near the college by myself, I really just want to know if there is anything like benefits I can take, maybe just advice on how to get started or what kind of place I should rent. Any advice you think I should know would be a GREAT help.

I could get a job, or I could work hard with my business, all the while doing my studies. what would be best? The last option would be to suck up to my parents and leech money off them but that's NOT what I want to do.One last thing, I've been looking at different places to rent and seen a bungalow for 500 a month, do you think I can get by with something like that? And I realise I need parents permission, need to be 16, have to have a parent to pay the rent because under 18's can't (I'll be paying them of course). I realise all the laws.
P.s just so everyone knows. There is NO way all the **** that's been happening where I live will sort itself out magically. I'm set on moving and learning from my past mistakes so I can concentrate on completing my college life in a new environment with new friends.

P.s.s and no they don't offer student accomadation in any way.                                                                                                                                                               

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