Sunday 6 March 2011


I Miss My School Life:

I completed my school a five years ago. I think there is nothing good like school life. I wish I were child now.
They were so real they were not all fakes like my new friends ….but sometimes I wonder …why did I leave… my group of friends… we were … game geeks and that didn’t bother me
one day at lunch I left for no particular reason….…i sat in another table with people i hardly and over time I called them my friends …and I spent less and less time with my true friends …I change a lot I’m not the same person anymore … the people I now call friends …..there so unreal…
I’m looking back at it now and I realized my true friends really don’t know anything me….I never told them my secrets how I felt inside because I feared the would tell everyone and yet for some reason was so comfortable telling my whole life story to some people I hardly knew …and how they talk behind my back(like I don’t know)and when we take picture we all fake a smile or fake a pose it appears we are such good friends.

i miss my college days:

                     This line is always stating something unforgettable memories.Everyone knows this pain; the day when we are coming in college & the day when we are leaving our college.College is the place where we had shared our beautiful days of the life.In college the life was different. You are flying on the wings of dream & enjoyment.Basically I am engineering student. And as people opinion we dont get sufficient time to enjoy due to studies.But my personal opnion we are the one who are spending lots of time with their friends.


  1. Monalisha Shresta.6 March 2011 at 20:14

    Thanks prabesh you have put our school photos....i really miss you....

  2. Thanks prabesh.....i hope you will put more photos of our school days....realy miss my school life.....n you too....

  3. Raj kumar Bhatta,6 March 2011 at 20:19

    Prabesh im missing there in our college photo.....but i really miss my college days & my collegers....n my best frn PRABESH(happy summer).....keep it up.....
